Thursday, August 16, 2018

August 14 2018 Update Moody Girl Farm

Here's a quick update from my one-day visit to MGF on Tuesday.

There be siding!
I can't say how happy I was to see the progress.  As I pulled up to the house, I noticed that the siding wasn't on the porch, and was very pleased when I walked around to the back and saw this.

I'm sure my handyman Jesse doesn't read my blog, but I now have stones around the base of the cistern cover.

Most of the remaining stones were placed on the ground around the house.  When W.T was still removing the back room, he mentioned to me that he thought there was a raccoon family under the house.  Hopefully this will discourage them from coming back.

My little town got lots of rain this past weekend. Heavy rain fell Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  You can see the extension cord partially buried in the mud, as was some of the PVC piping under the bathroom.  I'm hoping those stones also kept some of the water from running under the house.

Panoramic view of my property.

My sister and brother-in-law are visiting me this week, thus the short post.  The one-day trip on Tuesday meant I didn't get to layout the gardens, hopefully next trip.  I'll go back to MGF in a couple weeks and will have a longer post after that.

Until then, never surrender, never give up, and may all your dreams come true.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Avon stole my idea!

Back in July 2016, I wrote about two new perfumes I thought would be great. Read that post here:

As I glanced through the latest Avon booklet yesterday, I saw this:

So...which 'Perfumer' at Avon was reading my blog and also thought this would be a great scent?  Should I ask for royalties?